Creating a new voting round
Go to the Voting tab, click New.
Ensure your wallet is connected to a suitable network (BINANCE or BSCTEST).
All fields are mandatory to create a new voting round.
Select a minimum of two and a maximum of five projects.
If you wish to add a project as a selection, see the section Adding an NFT to include in voting rounds start-to-end
Fill out the start and end date fields appropriately.
Both start date and end date must be in the future
The end date must be after the start date
Enter a reward amount (minimum of 0 rewards per block)
Once the form has been filled out as described above, click the Create New Voting Round button to submit your responses.
After submitting the form, a Metamask modal pops up where you will be prompted to complete the transaction.
Upon successfully completing the transaction, a modal should appear with an etherscan link to the transaction. Congratulations, you have created a new voting round.
If the transaction was not successful, you will receive an error message stating that the transaction has failed.
Adding an NFT to include in voting rounds start-to-end
To include a project into a voting round, it must be tied to an existing project. Make sure you have the project ID of an existing project you wish to link to a MogulVotingNft. If not please create one in the Projects tab before continuing.
Because these NFTs will be included in voting rounds, the MogulVotingNft contract addresses are used to mint these NFTs.
BINANCE: 0x5924b03398267ce4836530ab5c15c4da459c0506
BSCTEST: 0x9688c438d20df4658ced493ced0cb5b543e1794a You will be using one of these contract addresses when drafting your NFT
Please carefully read through the information below and then proceed to the NFT Pipeline Documentation to draft either a single NFT or a batch of NFTs.
Important details to note:
The MogulVotingNft smart contract is used to mint ERC1155 NFTs.
Make sure to fill out the Project ID field when drafting the NFT(s). The Project and its projectID must already exist, if not please create one in the Projects tab first.
For the Network field, select the network based on the contract address selected from Step 1 above.
Single NFT Draft and Mint:
Skip Step 1 in the Creating an ERC721 NFT start-to-end (single draft, network BSC) section, as the MogulVotingNft is not tied to a collection.
The contract address you will use is the MogulVotingNft contract address.
Use BSC/BSCTEST for the network field
The example used in this section is to create an ERC721 NFT. However, the MogulVotingNft is used to mint ERC1155 NFTs. The primary distinction is the possibility of minting multiples of each NFT.
Batch NFT Draft and Mint:
Skip Step 1 in the Creating an ERC1155 NFT start-to-end (batch draft, network MAINNET) section, as the MogulVotingNft is not tied to a collection.
The contract address you will use is the MogulVotingNft contract address.
Use BSC/BSCTEST wherever MAINNET is referenced for the network field.
Last updated
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