๐Ÿ“Smart Contracts

Find details related to the smart contracts that power Mogul and STARS

Ethereum Contracts

Mogul Token Contract: https://etherscan.io/address/0x88fd59e1dd3715a98bb66149da9c944d9e795c12 https://bscscan.com/address/0x88fd59e1DD3715A98bb66149DA9c944d9E795c12

Access Pass Sale Contract: https://etherscan.io/address/0x6e6518aFc0e6589F94052Cf91e668586495e2ecb#code

  • This contract allows users to purchase fixed price access passes and receive STARS tokens

Access Pass Sale Bridge: https://etherscan.io/address/0x9837d93FDAD58370ccADcEC0f85a5a35760e95a9#cod

  • Mogul staking contract that allows users to stake Token X and receive STARS tokens for doing so according to their percent ownership over the entire pool. The contract allows Mogul to set up new pools, define the token that users can stake, and offer the rewards that users will receive

Mogul NFT: https://etherscan.io/address/0xEd9e2b88FEB7A94A682E7E3a59631E15E8442711

  • NFT minting contract that interacts with NFT Marketplace contract

NFT Marketplace: 0x761317D378FB401829ecA5513189F7F91F122444 0x07BFB924F29Fc02f4A92E608bBFf4d63ee9ceF89

  • Marketplace contract that allows for auctions, bids, buying and selling of Mogul NFTs by all users

Last updated