Showcase Page Data
Required Fields
Sale Date: The start date of sale for the launchpad nft/collection.
Must be after the current day/time.
Used to conditionally render status badges (upcoming, live, closed) and countdowns on the dashboard carousel, and showcase cards.
End Date: The end date of sale for the launchpad nft/collection.
Must be after the sale date/time.
Used to conditionally render status badges (upcoming, live, closed) on the dashboard carousel, and showcase cards.
Collection Address: The contract address of an existing collection from the collections table.
Must already exist in the collections table.
Only one launchpad can be linked to one collection address at a time.
The collection title, description, and logo image associated with the collection address is also used on the launchpad featured page around the header area as summary information.
Optional Fields
Launchpad Description: The description of the launchpad.
Uses mark downs, thus text can be styled (underline, bold etc).
Featured Carousel Assets: A series of images/videos to display in the carousel on the launchpad page.
Accepts jpg, png, mp4, or gif files.
10 mb file size limit due to ipfs limitations.
Use similar dimensions for all items otherwise there will be asymetrical gaps between carousel items.
Community Info Fields: A series of common social media links that displays near the top of the launchpad.
Currently only displays twitter, facebook, and website.
Team / Artist Profiles: A series of cards displaying profile images, description, and social media of the artists on the launchpad page.
Accepts jpg, png, or gif files.
10 mb file size limit due to ipfs limitations.
Use similar dimensions for all items for matching card heights.
Roadmap Points: A series of roadmap check points that contains a heading, sub-heading, description, and optional image.
Accepts jpg, png, or gif files.
10 mb file size limit due to ipfs limitations.
Use similar rectangular images for all items for best appearence.
If you choose to use images, it is preferred to either include images for all entries or none for best appearence.
Footer Banner: Footer image of the launchpad page with an overlaying header and description.
Accepts jpg, png, or gif files.
10 mb file size limit due to ipfs limitations.
Dimensions around 1600px x 450px is optimal.
Footer banner link will use twitter or website link from community info fields, thus it is best to fill community info if using footer banner.
Facts and Questions: A series of common questions and answers for the launchpad.
Currently not implemented in the ui.
An entry from the collection table is selected to use for creating launchpad. If one does not exist, you will need to create a new entry.
Create a featured launchpad based on the requirements.
Clicking Save Changes will save the entry to the backend.
Clicking View Preview will generate an approximate ui preview of the page.
Clicking Cancel will return to the launchpad list page.
When saving changes, most text data will be directly transfered to the backend while images are first uploaded to S3 via a signed url. The image upload process is as follows:
The frontend will request the backend for a signed url to upload to.
The backend provides will respond with a created file entry with the upload url to the frontend.
The frontend uploads the image to the upload url.
The file entry's id will then be used to along with the rest of the inputed data to create a launchpad entry. During this process, the backend will download the image file from s3 and upload it to ipfs as well for block chain usage.
The new entry can be view under Launchpads/List tab along with the rest of the launchpad table entries.
An entry can be selected in the Launchpad/List tab to be viewed, edited, or deleted. The process of updating an entry is similar to creating an entry except it updates based on its id while deleting deletes the entry based on its id.
Last updated
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