Single Draft Data
Criteria when creating a single nft draft
Required Fields
id: The id of the nft.
Must be an integer greater than 0. Must be unique in combination with the contract address.
Contract Address: the contract address used to mint the nft
Must be a valid contract address from the Marketplace Contracts tab.
Contract address should be either a ERC1155 or ERC721 contract.
No diagnostic checks for contract address due to technical limitation but needs to be valid for the mint step.
Title: The name of the nft.
Must be string text.
Description: The description of the nft.
Must be string text.
Total Supply: The total supply of the nft.
Defaults to 1.
Must be an integer in text.
Network: The network the nft will be minted on.
Network should match the network the contract address is on.
Image: The image file for the nft.
Recommands dimensions 500 x 500 px due to ui nft cards displaying images as squares.
10 mb file size limit due to ipfs limitations.
Accepts jpg, png, and gif files.
Used for nft cards and on nft details page as the nft profile picture.
Optional Fields
Featured: Marks nft as featured.
Defaults to false.
Used to indicate if it is used in the featured carousel in the ui.
Trending: Marks nft as trending.
Defaults to false.
Used to indicate if it is used in the trending carousel in the ui.
Unlockable Content: Text shown under the unlockable content of a nft.
Content here overrides collection unlockable content.
Displayed on the nft details page in the ui.
Animation: The animation file for the nft.
10 mb file size limit due to ipfs limitations.
Accepts mp4 or gif files.
The animation file is used in place of the image file on the nft details page.
Project ID: Unqiue id of an associated project entry.
This id must be a valid entry on the project table or created at Projects/New if it does not exist.
These id(s) can be found under Projects/List.
Metadata: The pre-generated metadata of the nft.
The metadata is typically automatically generated based on other inputs you entered in the backend, but if needed, you may enter your own pre generated metadata.
Refer to for details regarding its structure.
Accepts JSON text.
Attributes: Additional attributes of nft outside of ones generated by the metadata.
Accepts trait type and trait value pairs in string text.
Refer to for details.
Properties: Additional properties of nft outside of ones generated by the metadata.
Accepts property tag, property type, and property value trios in string text.
Additional Fields: Additional main properties of metadata you would like to include.
Accepts field name, field type, and field value trios in string text.
Refer to for details regarding its structure.
Last updated
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