Step By Step Example
ERC-1155 NFT collection
Creating a collection for marketplace (network MAINNET):
Go to the Collections tab, click New.
Make sure your wallet is connected to the desired network (MAINNET in this example).
Choose ERC1155, and fill in the necessary details for this collection form.
Name, description and logo image are mandatory fields. A banner image is recommended as well.
Save changes, a metamask prompt will show and you must confirm to deploy a contract for this new Collection.
Wait for everything to process, it will result in the newly created Collection. Note down the Contract Address as this is required in later steps.
Go to the Marketplace Contracts tab, and click the New subtab.
Paste in the Collection Contract Address from above and make sure the Network is correct (MAINNET in this example).
Click add, then confirm the metamask prompt, and let it process. Afterwards you should be brought back to the Marketplace Contracts list page.
Congratulations, your Collection is now created and listed on the marketplace.
Creating an ERC1155 NFT start-to-end (batch draft, network MAINNET):
Make sure you have the Contract Address of an existing Collection created, if not follow steps from Creating a collection for marketplace (network MAINNET) above first before proceeding.
Go to NFTs tab, click Batch NFT Draft.
Upload the .csv file with all the NFTs you want defined properly with the Contract Address from earlier and correct Network defined (MAINNET in this example).
Proper .csv formatting can be found below Sample .csv layout for NFT Batch Draft or on the Batch NFT Draft page itself.
If you wish to link a Project to this NFT, the Project and its projectID must already exist, if not please create one in the Projects tab first. (NOTE: an error will show for the rows that the projectId does not exist).
Once the .csv file and assets have been selected, the table will show rows that have detected errors; correct these errors by either selecting a new .csv file or select missing assets.
Assets can be selected incrementally. If you wish to remove an asset, simply click the files text under the button and click the “x” beside the file you wish to not upload.
As assets are selected, they will be detected and removed from the table errors.
When no more errors are detected, the table will become empty and the Batch Create button will be enabled, click it to start the upload process.
A modal with the upload progress will appear, if any NFTs fails to upload, it will also be displayed in this modal with its corresponding .csv row number.
Failed NFTs will have to be readded to a new .csv file and restart the process from Step 7 above if you wish for them to be uploaded. Please double check to ensure that these failed NFTs data are correct before trying again.
Once the NFTs have been drafted, go to the Mint subtab under NFTs. Here you can mint the drafted NFTs you just uploaded.
Select the NFTs you want to mint. (Note: you can only mint multiple NFTs from the same Contract Address. You can select one of them and click the Select all from the same contract button to save time).
Next go to the table below the first table and it should show you the selected NFTs. If you are on the wrong Network it will prompt you to switch to the correct Network (switch to MAINNET in this example). (Note: this will result in page refresh, you may have to reselect the NFTs).
In the second table fill in the Recipient Address you wish to mint all the NFTs to and set the Desired Amount to mint for each NFT (NOTE: ERC1155 must mint all to the same address, but each NFT can have varying amounts).
Once all required fields are filled, click the mint selected button. Confirm the metamask prompt to mint.
A modal will appear, once complete it will have the transaction url you can click to open up in the block explorer. Any errors will also be shown.
Congratulations, your ERC1155 NFTs have now been minted.
Sample .csv layout for NFT Batch Draft
For info on how to use markdown, click here. For info on metadata, attributes, properties, fields, go to Sample .csv Metadata, Properties, Attributes, or Fields.
### some unlockable in markdown
{"title": {"type": "string","description": "Title1" },"author": {"type": "string","description": "Mogul Productions"} },
Column Definitions: NOTE: tokenId (ie. Id and contractAddress combinations) must be unique. (ie. cannot have 2 id: 1 linked with contract address '0x123...789').
id : The id of nft. Must be an integer greater than 0. Must be unique. (required)
contractAddress : The contract addressed used to mint the nft. Must be a valid contract address. (required)
title : The name of the nft in plain text. (required)
description : The description of the nft in plain text. (required)
totalSupply : The total supply of that tokenId. Must be an integer greater than 0. (required)
unlockableContent : Text shown under unlockable content of a nft. Content here overrides collection unlockable content. (optional)
network : The network the nft is on. Must be one of MAINNET, RINKEBY, BSC, BSCTEST. (required)
image : Name of the associated Image File with file extension included. File type must be one of jpg, jpeg, png, gif. (required)
animation : Name of the associated animation file with file extension included. File type must be mp4 or gif. (optional)
isFeatured : Marker for if the nft will be displayed under the featured section. Must be either TRUE or FALSE. (required)
isTrending : Marker for if the nft will be displayed under the trending section. Must be either TRUE or FALSE. (required)
projectId : Unique ID of the associated project you want linked to this NFT. Must already exist in the database. (optional)
metadata : Metadata of the nft. Must be an object in json text, please check sample csv or some existing nft for format. (optional)
attributes : Attributes of the nft. Must be a list of object in json text, please check sample csv or some existing nft for format. (optional)
properties : Properties of the nft. Must be an object in json text, please check sample csv or some existing nft for format. (optional)
fields : Extra fields for the metadata of the nft. Must be an object in json text, please check sample csv or some existing nft for format. (optional)
Sample .csv Metadata, Properties, Attributes, or Fields
Sample valid value for the Properties field in the .csv. Metadata, Attributes, or Fields also follow similar format. Learn more at OpenSea Metadata Docs.
Last updated
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